Acupuncture at

The Modern Acupuncture Clinic

Operating out of Stanwick, Northamptonshire and using our extensive experience, The Modern Acupuncture Clinic provides their patients with the greatest care and personalised acupuncture treatment.

Acupuncture is an extremely versatile approach to health and wellbeing, and in particular we specialise in chronic pain.

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine have been practiced for at least 3,000 years and bring benefits to millions of people around the world every year. We hope you will also benefit and enjoy the process at the same time.

About Us

Spod Dutton, Lic.Ac MBAcC

Spod Dutton is a professionally qualified acupuncturist with a background in acupuncture research

Spod attained a 1st degree level Lic.Ac acupuncture qualification after studying for three years at The Acupuncture Academy, Leamington Spa.

Part of Spod’s role within the world of acupuncture is his work with acupuncture research. As a founding director of ACU-Track, an acupuncture research organisation, Spod is involved in promoting acupuncture research and really helping the world to better understand the mechanisms behind our treatments.

From a clinical point of view, Spod specialises in chronic and musculo-skeletal pain and wellbeing problems such as stress and anxiety.

About Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a system of medicine that seeks to employ the body’s natural healing mechanisms to encourage positive health outcomes

This system of medicine dates back over 2000 years and was originally developed in Eastern Asia. It is based around a map over 300 points on the body where needling is used to illicit change. Ahshi points, which are sensitive or painful spots on the body can also targeted during acupuncture.

The focus for a traditional acupuncturist is on the patient as an individual and not just their specific illness, and all symptoms are seen as part of an interconnected pattern. Treatment involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific points in the body. The needles interact with your body’s physiology and help to bring about change.

Acupuncturists have a ‘toolkit’ that is used during their treatments which includes: -

  • Needles: Fine needles are inserted into the body in order to stimulate a physiological response. In traditional terms, these responses were described as the manipulation of qi – a term used to describe a group of mechanisms in the body such as neurological, vascular, chemical, lymphatic and endocrine to name but a few.

  • Cupping: Specially shaped cups are used to create a vacuum to an area of the body. This technique encourages blood flow and lymphatic drainage which promotes healing and the clearing of toxins.

  • Gua sha: For this technique a vigorous brushing technique is used with a special rounded tool to give a similar effect to cupping.

  • Moxibustion: Moxa is a heat treatment technique which is used in several different ways including the stimulation of acupuncture points.

What happens when I come for treatment?

Your initial visit will take around 90 minutes and consists of a personal and medical consultation covering your family history, lifestyle, systems functions (eg. sleep, appetite) and full details of your current complaint/s and any test or investigations that you have had. You will also have the opportunity to discuss in complete confidence any concerns or troubles you may currently be dealing with. After your consultation I will carry out a number of short non-invasive physical diagnostic tests including blood pressure, temperature distribution and pulse taking. In most cases, aside from the most complex, this is then followed by your first treatment. Subsequent appointments take up to around one hour, and include discussion of your progress and your treatment to date.

What does it feel like?

Many patients are concerned that acupuncture maybe painful but as the needles are flexible and about as thick as two human hairs there is usually only a very slight sensation as it enters the skin. Sometimes patients also feel a dull ache on the acupuncture point but this also only lasts for a few seconds and is generally not considered to be uncomfortable. Many find acupuncture relaxing and feel very calm during and after a treatment; you may also feel a little tired or sleepy so if possible, try to arrange a relatively restful and quiet day, especially for your first treatment.


There are many, many scientific studies showing the efficacy of acupuncture and clinical experience shows us that patients frequently receive significant and lasting benefits from acupuncture. A study from 2006 concluded that there were only 11 serious adverse incidents in 4,441,103 acupuncture procedures. Another study from 2000 concluded that in the UK, over 34,000 treatments performed by fully trained British Acupuncture Council member practitioners reported zero serious adverse events.

This incident rate is extremely low and is also considerably lower than rates seen in conventional medicine.


Acupuncture is used all over the world to treat many conditions. Our treatments can provide a local and widespread affect throughout the body and hence the surprisingly wide range of its applications.

Among the conditions commonly treated with acupuncture include: wellbeing, hormonal/endocrine conditions, chronic pain, migraines, fertility.

Acupuncture Evidence

Acupuncture has a rapidly growing evidence base, and this base is one of the fastest growing of any healthcare system.

Over the last few decades the approach to understanding the underlying mechanisms of acupuncture has become increasingly more organised and scientific. For instance, we are now able to measure changes in brain activity during acupuncture by using fMRI scanning technology. Also, there have been a number of large scale acupuncture studies that have cast a positive light on acupuncture.

In April 2021, the National Institute for Health and care excellence (NICE) added acupuncture to its recommendations in the treatment of chronic pain. This decision by NICE shows the recognition within conventional medicine that only confirms the reality that we see in clinic on a daily basis.

Spod Dutton is a founding director of ACU-Track, an organisation striving to generate and disseminate increasingly more acupuncture research.

Location and bookings

The Modern Acupuncture Clinic is located in the village of Stanwick, Northants


Address: 10 West Street, Stanwick, Northants, NN9 6QY
Telephone: 01933 779973

Current fees

Initial acupuncture consultation and your first treatment, taking around 90 minutes: £55.00.

Subsequent acupuncture treatments, which take 30 – 60 minutes: £40.00.

Hypno-acupuncture consultation and your first treatment, taking around 90 minutes: £95.00.

Subsequent hypno-acupuncture treatments, which take around 60 minutes: £80.00.


Payment is by cash, PayPal or credit/debit card.

Cancellation policy

We understand that you may need to alter your appointment but please try to give us 48 hours notice. We do have to charge the full fee for appointments if less than 24 hours’ notice is given.​


These are some of the kind words that our patients have written about their experiences at The Modern Acupuncture Clinic.

  • My back pain started in March 2020 and became increasingly debilitating. Over the next 2 and a half years I tried several therapists and doctors. I was diagnosed with chronic pain and given nerve painkillers and told to start CBT. I hit rock bottom and then decided to try acupuncture. From our first conversation Spod gave me hope. Over the course of several treatments my pain has reduced by about 90% and I am off the painkillers. Spod is great at his job. He listens to me and reacts to what he hears. I feel involved in my treatment rather than a silent patient.

    Prior to commencing acupuncture treatment with Spod I was a sceptic, having had some acupuncture before where I didn’t notice any change in my symptoms. I am now a complete convert, and would thoroughly recommend acupuncture, especially with Spod.

  • Just to say how pleased I am with my accupuncture treatment. Having suffered with acute fibromyalgia for the past 27 years, I thought there would never be any improvement in my symptoms.

    However, the muscle spasms I've been having in my back and ribs have subsided a lot. I can move my body a lot easier without getting the immobilizing pain.

    So thank you Spod, for making a difference.

  • I have had a great experience with Spod and would really recommend giving acupuncture a try! I previously struggled with daily pain and nausea, and since starting treatment with Spod this has greatly reduced and really improved my stress, pain levels and general quality of life- even from just the first few weeks. I’m really grateful of this treatment and would highly recommend.

  • I have been coming for a couple of months now and am very happy with the service I receive weekly. Acupuncture really helps me and makes me feel comfortable. I’ve been taught exercises and they go hand in hand, helping me to be able to move much more freely.

  • I have been having acupuncture for about 20 years. I started to see an acupuncturist during a very difficult time in my life emotionally and it quite literally saved my life. I find Five Element acupuncture works for me. It keeps me ‘ticking over’ and fixes the little bumps in the road for me nicely. It is a very interesting therapy, almost spiritual, and I am often amazed at its effect on me. I wouldn’t be without it. I can suffer with SAD during the Autumn months, I can also feel the pressures of life and the challenges of hormonal mood swings. To me acupuncture is essential, and I will have a treatment usually every 4 to 8 weeks.

  • I was first referred to seek acupuncture after living with burnout from work for 8 months and decided to try Spod at The Modern Acupuncture Clinic. When we first made contact, he arranged a telephone consultation prior to my appointment and allowed me to answer any questions and to understand why I was seeking his help. As a naturally anxious person, he made me feel at ease even prior to arriving by talking me through what I'd expect when I arrived as well as new procedures due to Covid-19. I knew I was going to be in good hands, but didn't realise at this time how much his treatment would affect me. When I had my first appointment, I didn't know what to expect after the treatment in regard to how my body would be affected. I knew I was highly stressed and burnt out, but had no idea how badly this was the case. Spod completed an AE drain on me which left me feeling like my old self for almost 6 days after the appointment. I cannot express in words how surprised, amazed and grateful I was to finally feel like myself after 8 months and felt able to cope with day-to-day life, of which I had been finding very difficult. I am very glad I sought out Spod - he is VERY good at his therapy and really listens to understand. I would highly recommend him for anyone feeling even slightly stressed or under pressure for assistance to bring you back to your balanced and happy self.

  • I am able to recommend Spod for his treatment on my feet for Peripheral Neuropathy That is very uncomfortable toes (tender and burning sensation in all toes. My feet have certainly improved and have walked out better than they were before treatment. The clinic is a safe environment during this Covid 19 pandemic. Best wishes

  • I’m a needle phobic!! Sciatica has been a painful problem for the past six months, osteopathy wasn’t working and, a friend suggested I try acupuncture. I put it off long enough but, with little progress from osteopathy or regular pain killers, eventually decided to try it. A friend put me in touch with Spod and, made the appointment. Due to the pandemic, I had a very in-depth telephone consultation initially and then visited the clinic for treatment. Spod talked me through the treatment and didn’t rush me at all. Oh my goodness – why didn’t I go and see him six months ago! After the first session it felt as though a ‘knot’ in my leg had been untied and I was able to resume walking the dog without having to find somewhere to sit every 15 minutes or so. I have just had my second treatment and, although Spod predicts probably another two, my quality of life has improved so much since treatment. I cannot recommend him highly enough for his patience, understanding and knowledge. I would recommend anyone to The Modern Acupuncture Clinic and, thank you for looking after me so well Spod.

  • I’ve just had my first acupuncture treatment with Spod & am delighted with the initial response. I have plantar fasciitis & Spod was completely honest in advising that acupuncture may or may not help. I was in such great pain that I was willing to try it & was so glad I did. The treatment started with a very thorough consultation about the specific problem & also my overall health & wellbeing. Then Spod explained what would happen, where he would place the needles & how it may feel. Throughout the whole treatment, he checked in with me at regular intervals to make sure I was comfortable. 48 hours later, rather than having significant pain across the whole of the soles of my feet almost constantly, the pain has become much more localised & has reduced quite a lot. Walking is more comfortable & I am sleeping better. I’m going to have weekly treatments & I hope I’ll continue to improve over the next few weeks.​

  • My mum is waiting for a should replacement and is in a lot of pain with limited movement. When she started visiting Spod over a year ago she was unable to get her arm behind her back after a couple of sessions she was able to get her arm behind her back and the pain was greatly reduced. Would 100% recommend Spod for any pain relief and recovery. Thank you.

  • I can’t speak more highly of the service I have received at The Modern Acupuncture Clinic. I have recently gone through IVF treatment and the acupuncture I received was specifically designed to support it. This was my first experience of acupuncture and coupled with the fact that IVF treatment is a stressful and emotional process, Spod was professional, supportive, attentive, amiable and accommodating with dates I needed to work around my IVF treatment. I am delighted to say that I am now pregnant and I thank Spod for his treatment and support throughout this time. I plan to have some sporadic acupuncture treatments throughout these coming months and am optimistic that I will have a healthy happy baby at the end. Thank you so much.

  • I was referred to Spod a couple of weeks following years of suffering with, what I've always been told was sciatica. After having a fall in 2012 I have been attending physio pretty much monthly and was almost at the end of my tether and tired of daily painkillers! I have now had two acupuncture sessions with Spod and, in the nicest way, am pleased so say that I hopefully won't be seeing him again for a year or two! I have not taken a painkiller since my first appointment and, within two weeks am back to running daily and being pain free. Thanks Spod!

  • I visited the clinic today for the first time. I was given a very warm welcome and soon felt at ease. I knew spod when I was at secondary school which did made things easier. Spod is very informative and has a very understanding nature. Any questions and he gladly answered them in detail. I would highly recommend seeing spod as he has a high success rate with treating various conditions. My condition is complex and after my first treatment, I am trying to be optimistic that I get a bit of relief. Anything would be better than nothing. I have faith in spod to do all he can to help me. Thank you to spod for giving me some hope.

  • I have had pain in my shoulder for going on 2 years now. Surviving with a mix of massage and pain killers. I decided to have acupuncture-had nothing to lose. After the first treatment I had a pain free nights sleep. I am continuing treatment with Spod, as it seems to work. I had huge trigger points which massage didn’t get close to resolving - but the needles do. It’s not as relaxing as a massage - but if it works, then I’ll take it.

  • I have now had three acupuncture treatments treating several complaints, but focusing primarily on my lower back. I have suffered lower back pain for most of my adult life and actually didn't realise the extent it inhibited my physical wellbeing until I felt pain free! I felt an improvement after just one treatment and can only describe it as 'a lighter feeling' in my whole upper body. I can honestly say I cannot remember the last time I woke up in the morning with no pain until now. A relaxed and pleasant atmosphere adds to the whole experience.

  • I have suffered from chronic migraine linked to pre-menstrual syndrome for approximately 25 years, sometimes suffering up to 4 migraines a week. I have tried a huge range of medication over the years, with varying degrees of success. I first went to see Spod about 6 weeks ago when I was at a very low point - almost constant pain which was of course also effecting my mood and general well-being. The six migraine tablets I was being prescribed a month was nowhere near enough. I have now had 4 treatments with Spod and in that time I have had NO headaches. I have not had such a long headache-free spell in over 25 years. I cannot recommend or thank Spod enough. Please give it a go.

  • I have suffered from pain in my lower back for many years, I had tried all the usual treatments (massage, anti-inflammatories, analgesia etc), after two treatment sessions with Spod the pain has ceased. Spod was very thorough explaining the treatment, the expected outcomes and what was involved. I whole heartedly recommend acupuncture and Spod, I hope everyone has the same success as I have had.

  • I admit I didn't fully believe acupuncture could work for me but in 1 session alone I feel 90% better. it's more than any doctors have managed. Mr Dutton treats you with great respect and his friendly manor puts you at ease. His rates are low also. MANY THANKS !!!

  • I felt Spod was very compassionate and was not fazed at all by all my problems. He adapted each session based on any improvements to particular areas. My main issues were migraines, trigeminal nerve pain and sciatica. The biggest improvement was the nerve pain, and with all things you need to persevere to gain the most benefit. I wasn’t expecting a result from my first session but can honestly say I am 100% happy with the treatments and will go back regularly to top myself up. Big thank you Spod.

  • A little miracle has happened!

  • I suffer with bouts of depression have done since my twenties in the past have relied on traditional treatment, antidepressants this time, still on low dose meds, decided to give acupuncture a try, so glad I did, I am back to my old self after a few sessions highly recommend Spod, puts you at ease in a very relaxed atmosphere going back in a few weeks time Thanks Spod

  • Highly professional & amazing results!! Thank you Spod

  • I think I can safely say, Spod Dutton and skills in Acupuncture have healed me. So relieved. Thank you.

  • Excellent clinic run by Spod Dutton. Spod has tailored his course of treatments to deal with my particular problem area, and it has definitely helped ease the issues I have been having with my lower back. I was surprised to learn that it's not just all about needles, there are various types of treatment including some gentle heat treatments, and the whole experience has proved incredibly good for my general well-being. I would highly recommend this to anyone.

  • During a period of intense personal stress I needed help. I could tell my body and mind were being affected through a variety of symptoms ranging from muddled and slurred speech to sleepless nights and hot flushes. I am not a great believer in taking prescribed medication and know, from experience, that side effects can become more problematic than the original ailment. I had seen a television documentary on acupuncture and the conclusions were favourable so I decided to ask Spod for an initial assessment and his recommendation on treatment. I accepted his proposals and began to feel changes occurring after the second acupuncture session. I still felt stressed but stronger and certainly more robust about dealing with it and its root cause. As sessions continued I became more relaxed and the ability to deal with stress was growing exponentially and very much appreciated. I continue with treatment less frequently now and although stress still features in my life I can respond more positively. I feel that Spod's systematic needling has helped me to rearrange my priorities whilst cleansing my body and mind. I am reassured by Spod's professionalism and caring manner.

  • After a range of treatments over the years including deep sport massage, physiotherapy and a few manipulations from chiropractors, I had grown to accept that 20 years of abusing my back had done too much damage and I would just have to accept that lower back pain was something I would have to live with. Although originally quite sceptical about the idea of having acupuncture I've been treated by Spod for a few months now and after about 7 treatments my lower back pain has gone. Also, my general wellbeing and energy levels have perked up loads. I can highly recommend his treatments. Thanks Spod for all your help.

  • Spod is perfect for this kind of treatment. He is friendly and thoughtful and respectful as well as kind and good at his job. I was slightly wary of acupuncture and not at all sure what to expect or even how it could possibly work. Spod put me at ease immediately. It has had good effects in areas I never thought it could and I feel much better for having it. I will return if I need to without a doubt. Thanks Spod.

Monday March 27th 2023

In The News

Wellingborough acupuncture fibromyalgia patient brought back from depths of despair thanks to Stanwick therapist

Acupuncture Awareness Week runs from March 25 to April 1

A Wellingborough university researcher has been brought back from the depths of despair after being treated for pain with acupuncture.

Fibromyalgia had affected Maxine Glover’s quality of life to the point where she felt pain in the whole of her body and could only walk with a stick.

Using painkillers and other forms of therapy had not worked so the 56-year-old thought she had nothing to lose after hearing about acupuncture.

Since starting treatment with Stanwick-based acupuncturist Spod Dutton, she has been able to walk and move her head properly.

She said: “I had been suffering with pain on and off for years, with the benefit of hindsight, I now believe that this was fibromyalgia all along. To help manage my condition, I used to visit an osteopath and immediately after treatment I would feel better, but then a day later I would be back to square one. I was at the depths of despair pain-wise.”

Maxine is sharing her story as part of Acupuncture Awareness Week, which runs from March 25 to April 1.

Maxine first experienced lower back pain that progressed into chronic pain which she felt in most parts of her body. In January 2021 she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. In order to cope with the pain, she took the maximum number of painkillers she could. Her job as a researcher became increasingly difficult – the pain became too much.

She said: “I didn’t feel I was having any form of quality of life and became quite down about my condition. Then a friend of mine saw an advert for an acupuncturist which talked about acupuncture and the management of pain. I felt I had nothing to lose. After the first session, the pain relief was amazing.”

For the first time in ages, Maxine was able to move her head from side to side and the medication was actually taking the pain away, rather that just taking the top off of it. Her lower back felt much freer and she could stand for longer periods of time, without the aide of a stick.

After four sessions of a mixture of acupuncture and cupping she became more mobile and in less pain. As the sessions have progressed, the overall pain-relieving effect has lasted longer. Maxine is still taking pain relief medications, but feels that she is now able to control it. She still takes her stick out with her but no longer uses it to help her walk. As it has a seat, she sometimes uses it to sit down as she still finds it difficult to stand for long periods of time.

Spod Dutton, owner of The Modern Acupuncture Clinic in Stanwick, has been in business for more than seven years performing thousands of treatments on hundreds of patients.

He said: “Acupuncture is an extremely versatile healthcare system that can be used to treat a variety of conditions from wellbeing problems such as stress and anxiety through to fertility and chronic pain. In some cases the patient will report an improvement within one to three treatments but they may still need several more treatments for the improvements to really stick.

Maxine added: “I now feel so much stronger emotionally and I’m getting my life back.”