The blend of hypnotherapy and acupuncture is an approach that has gained popularity in recent years. The two treatment approaches work together and can tackle problems such as anxiety, addictions and other wellbeing based health conditions. The combination of the two treatments simultaneously seems to amplify the effect on the patient and is often used when the patient requires long term lifestyle changes such as giving up smoking or dealing with serious wellbeing problems such as anxiety and phobias.
This approach targets mind and body at once, so that the hypnotherapy can tap into the subconscious, whilst the acupuncture delivers wellbeing and physiological effects. Hypnotherapy is used to put the patient into a deep state of relaxation where deep rooted changes can be applied, but you certainly won’t be put into a trance or lose control in any way!
We have partnered with easing-minds for these treatments. The treatments are performed by a qualified acupuncturist and a qualified hypnotherapist working side by side. We have taken this approach to ensure that the therapists are focussed on their specialist areas and are able to give the best treatments possible.